605 13th Street West • Glencoe, MN 55336
Phone: 320-864-3414 • Fax: 320-864-3616

Clinic Hours

Monday: 7:30am- 5pm
Tuesday: 7:30am – 5pm
Wednesday: 7:30am – 5pm

Thursday: 7:30am- 12pm; 1:15pm- 5pm
Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
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Don't Lose Your Pet to Heartworm Disease


Heartworm is a common parasite in dogs, cats, ferrets, and several mammal species. During National Heartworm Prevention Month, we urge you to learn more about the transmission, symptoms, and treatment of this parasite. Left untreated, heartworm disease can cause serious illness or the death of your beloved pet.

What is a Heartworm and How Does It Get Inside Your Pet?

A heartworm is approximately 12 inches long and lives inside the blood vessels, heart, and lungs of animals who are infected with it. The most typical course of transmission is through a mosquito. When a female heartworm is present inside of a dog or cat, she can reproduce thousands of microscopic worms that travel to the bloodstream. A mosquito ingests some of these baby worms when it stings an infected pet and feeds on his blood. Heartworm transmission occurs the next time the mosquito bites a pet. 


How to keep your dog from running away


With the warmer temperatures, there is an increase in dogs escaping from yards or the front door of the house.  How can you reduce the risk that your pet may be one of the escape artists?  Here are some fabulous tips from AAHA:

7 Ways to Discourage Your Dog from Running Away



Your Pet's Bad Breath: Not to be ignored


Although we focus on pet dental health during the month of February, it’s important to note the signs of dental disease.  Bad breath can be an early indicator of disease, which left untreated, can have serious implications for your pet’s overall health.  Questions?  Don’t hesitate to contact our clinic today.