605 13th Street West • Glencoe, MN 55336
Phone: 320-864-3414 • Fax: 320-864-3616

Clinic Hours

Monday: 7:30am- 5pm
Tuesday: 7:30am – 5pm
Wednesday: 7:30am – 5pm

Thursday: 7:30am- 12pm; 1:15pm- 5pm
Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
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What you need to know about intestinal parasites (worms) and your pet!


Intestinal parasites are not only harmful to your dog or cat but can be a health risk to you and your family as well. Fortunately, there are preventative medications that keep "the ick factor" away from your pet, and YOU!  Take a moment to watch this video and discover the importance of parasite prevention.


Want to be a horse owner? Here are some things you'll need to know!


If you want to be a horse owner, it is critical that you know health issues common to horses--and  have an established relationship with a veterinarian before you even bring a horse to your home.  Learn more about these health issues, healthy foods, dental care, vaccinations, foot/hoof care and many other health needs to help make a 30+ year relationship with your horse, the happiest it can be!


The Importance of Tick Prevention


The importance of flea and tick prevention —

Even in the fall and winter fleas and ticks pose a problem for our pets. As we enjoy the outdoors with our pets, whether we are hunting or just going for a walk, these parasites can be found looking for a free meal.

Using a topical or oral flea & tick preventative is the easiest way to protect your pet. The Glencoe Veterinary Clinic offers a variety of flea and tick preventatives. These products can greatly reduce the chance that your beloved furry friend becomes home to fleas and ticks.

To keep your pet even more protected, take aim at fleas and ticks in and around your home. Here are a few tips:

  • Periodically, wash your pet’s bed cover in hot water and dry it on a high heat setting to kill any flea eggs and larvae
  • Make your yard less appealing to ticks by cutting grass short and eliminating brush piles
  • Vacuum frequently in your home, especially carpets and furniture where your pet tends to lounge
  • Cover up all outside crawl spaces and garbage cans to deter wildlife that may carry fleas and ticks

Did you know?

  • Frost doesn’t kill ticks. They will retreat daily into a leaf litter to stay hydrated. Then, they’ll climb back onto knee-high vegetation any time temperatures are above freezing, hoping to latch on to a passing dog, cat or human. They’ll be out there until the ground freezes. And they’ll be back as soon as it thaws.
  • Fleas and their young don’t die overnight when temperatures dip toward freezing. It can take up to 10 days of sustained 37° or lower weather. If daytime highs exceed 37°, the fleas might warm up enough to hang in there even longer. But when the weather maintains 37° or colder all day and night for about 10 days, any fleas left outside and exposed will die. Some fleas are crafty enough to find ways to stay warm, including those living on wild animals such as raccoons. A sufficient number of eggs remain on the animals to keep the flea population alive until it can boom again in the warmer temperatures of spring. Other fleas find cozy area in barns, garages and outdoor kennel bedding or under decks and around foundations to hide in and wait for warmer weather, or an unsuspecting animal to arrive.
