by vet1 | Feb 6, 2019 | Blog
Consider all the joy and love your dog brings into your life. Now, imagine if you could take measures to help your dog live longer with a better quality of life. Wouldn’t you want to return the happiness your dog provides you for years to come? Fortunately, with...
by vet1 | Jan 9, 2019 | Blog
Wellness Visits and Preventive Care Exams Just as growing children and adults at various stages need regular preventive care, the same is true of our pets. Puppies and kittens will likely have several visits during their first year of life to ensure they are off to a...
by vet1 | Nov 14, 2018 | Blog
The hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving is a part of the tradition for many families. But in the commotion, it’s important to keep safety in mind for our four-legged family members. Our Glencoe Veterinary Clinic veterinary staff offers these Thanksgiving safety...
by vet1 | Jul 20, 2018 | Blog
We hear about food safety for ourselves on a regular basis. Cook this food to this temperature, throw away that food after a certain period of time and so on. But what about our pet’s food? September is National Food Safety Education Month, and Glencoe...
by vet1 | Jul 17, 2018 | Blog
Pet owners believe that their lives are enriched by owning a pet, but did you know even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggests that having a pet is good for you? Pet ownership and companionship can prevent you from feeling lonely, give you more opportunities...
by vet1 | Jun 20, 2018 | Blog
Now that summer is finally here, you and your pet can spend more time outdoors enjoying all that the season has to offer. Like the other three seasons, summer presents unique safety challenges for our companion animals. The good news is that you can enjoy a wonderful...